Thursday, July 21, 2011

Talk to People

I just answered my door. I was annoyed by it because I was RIGHT in the middle of taping up a hoop to sell this weekend, and plus I was pretty sure it wasn't going to be for me anyhow, and it's hot and I'm stinky and whiny.

Well, I was right-- it wasn't for me. It was a young lady selling coupon booklets to benefit the animal shelter. As she turned to leave, I commented on her No Brand Con (a local anime/sci-fi convention) shirt.

"Nice shirt," I said.
"Oh, thanks! Have you been to the Con?" she asked.
"Yeah... actually, I was one of the bellydancers who performed there this year."
"Oh! Wow! That was so cool!"

We talked and talked despite the heat. We blabbed on and on, cycling through No Brand Con ideas, the Renaissance Faire, costuming, steampunk, cross-playing (which is cosplay, but dressing as the opposite gender than your own), and finally bellydance.

"So... you said you teach the bellydancing? Where is that located?" she asked cautiously.
"Well, I teach in Chippewa right now, but I have a new class starting August 3rd in Eau Claire," I said. "Hold on, I'll grab my card for you."

So I did. She took it. Will she sign up? Who knows. Doesn't much matter to me. It was a nice break from hoop making and worrying about my performance this weekend. I'm glad I answered the door. Anime girl calls for anime happy face: ^_^


  1. Just FYI, those coupon books aren't for the local Humane Association. The volunteers who sell them are sadly misinformed. They're for some organization in New Richmond, and I have no idea whether or not that organization is a reputable one. Kinda annoys me that they're soliciting "for the EC shelter"... but not really. -sigh- /endrant

  2. LOL.
    To be fair, she never said it was the EC shelter. She just said "The animal shelter." But of course I assumed it was EC, 'cos that's where I live. Ah well. They looked like the standard crappy coupon books that people do as fundraisers. $3 off an oil change and so forth.
